In July, 2022 we moved to Calgary, Alberta from Kelowna, British Columbia where we lived for 12 years. Destiny dropped us here in a whirlwind of unlikely events, and it has been quite an adventure getting here. Calgary is a great place to live, I am by no means complaining about it, but I just had my roots cut for the 7th time, and I need some time to heal.
I think I moved too many times in my lifetime, and it has taken it’s toll. I was only over 2 years old when I moved the first time. I left an idyllic setting (lot’s of flowers, sunny gardens, surrounded by numerous loving family and friends) to move into a concrete block apartment building. I met my best friend Ivana there when I was 2 and a half. That moment was critical for me developing strong human connections rather than location ones. I love all my people, and in my heart I never really left them.